Lessons learnt from Cities fo Learning

Lessons learnt from Cities fo Learning

In the last years Cities of Learning platform network partners have been trying and learning and trying again to find the best ways to engage cities and regions to join this learning evolution. The accumulated experience in various educational fields turned into a list of  ‘Lessons Learnt’, clear ‘Values the platform is based’ on and ‘6 easy steps on how to create a learning playlist’ from our partners. Have a look at the wisdom of our partners – it is always easier to learn from others!

The summary of lessons learnt by all CoL partners:

  1. Involve young people in the whole process of learning playlists creation.
  2. Create strong cooperation between main stakeholders in the territory.
  3. Define the focus of the platform in the beginning of the process.
  4. Activities can be available both local and digital experience – fewer chances to drop-out
  5. Support new learning providers with putting the activities on the platform for them, if needed.
  6. Align your activities and playlists to existing competence frameworks – it gives recognition for everybody
  7. Establish communication and support channels and be available to support on a long-term basis
  8. Don’t give up and keep on adding activities and building habits of organisations to publish activities online.

The values behind the Cities of Learning:

6 steps to creating a learning playlist:


Visuals: visualmind.lt


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